RSI alumni conference

Dear Friends,
The Robert Schuman Institute works in Budapest as the education and training center of parties and politicians belonging to the European People’s Party family since 1991. We are proud that over the years thousands of the best have passed through our programs, and made their mark on their countries’ and communities’ development. Alumni represent the greatest value of our work. We would be happy to hear from you again, and see you back at a reunion conference between 12-13 October (arrivals: 12 October morning, departures: 14 October). The young generation of the center-right political elite from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, where you belong, is invited to make its contribution to discourse on the answers to immediate future challenges in Europe, in three main themes that you can find below. You are kindly invited to apply for one of 100 places available to reconnect with friends, mentors and colleagues and of course make your speaking contribution to outline analyses, scenarios as well as examples and recommendations for actions for the center-right.
See you soon in Budapest,
RSI Team

About the conference
Timeframe for travel planning:
registration and lunch from 12h on 12 October (Friday)
closing dinner on the Danube, 19h on 13 October (Saturday)
The venue and accomodation of international guests (covered by the organizers) will be at Hotel Mercure Buda.
The program will be announced soon, based on the alumni applications.
Main topics
Trends and development of the EU – Panel 1:Trends and development of the EU after 2019 elections
Transformation of the political spectrum on the EU level, new institutional leadership and financial framework, or a post-Brexit situation are but a few factors suggesting that we will need to face new challenges and deliver effective leadership. Presentations are invited to point out the important questions we need to focus on and the way to deliver the right answers.
Action plan for WB & EaP countries within the framework of cooperation with the EU – Panel 2: Expectations and challenges of the next EU mandate concerning West Balkan enlargement and Eastern Partnership
The last EU mandate was quickly declared a period of not enlargement but preparation, which can be assessed and conclusions can be made. Likewise the geopolitical landscape shifted considerably in the neighbourhood of the EU. Presentations are invited to make assessments, identify current challenges and outline desirable course of actions both from actors on the EU side as well as in the partner countries.
Women, youth and political influence – Panel 3: Development and rejuvenation of parties: Involving women and the millennial generation
The panel aims to raise the key questions and learn from case studies of organisational and campaign innovation to reach groups in society that the socially conservative center-right traditionally struggles to address successfully. Better listening and inclusion is also a matter of fulfilling the promise of democracy. Contributions are invited to identify the key issues to focus on for political parties, showcase promising examples and suggest directions of innovation.
Program draft
Event registration & welcome snacks and coffee
Doris Pack MEPai, RSI President, Kinga Szabó, RSI Director, Gábor Berczeli, RSI Acting Director
Robert Schuman InstituteKeynote speeches, debate
Kinga Gál MEP, Vice President of the European People’s Party, Supervisory Board Member of the Robert Schuman Institute, former Board Member of the Robert Schuman Foundation (Luxembourg)
Zsolt Németh MP, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Parliament of Hungary
Coffee break
Trends and development of the EU 1.0
- Mate Curic: More Europe or more EU?
- Boris Stanimirov: From globalism / nationalism cleavage towards an European patriotism
- Radovan Vukomanovic: EU questions without answers
Moderator: Marek Degro, Director, Anton Tunega Foundation
Marek DegroWelcome dinner
Welcome speech: Dániel Landeck, Director for Foreign Affairs, Foundation for a Civic Hungary
Action plan for WB & EaP countries within the framework of cooperation with the EU 1.0
- Zineta Husic: Three concentric circles of cooperation for the Western Balkans and the EU
- Zlatko Jankovski: Possibilities and opportunities for creative and different levels of integration of the Western Balkans’ in the EU
- Oleksandr Novak: Eastern Partnership – How to continue and what to change in it
Moderator: Jovan Andonovski, former Deputy Ombudsman, Board Member of Institute for Social Research MK91
JOVAN ANDONOVSKIWomen, youth and political influence 1.0
- Azra Sulic: How millennials and/ or millennial women can change our politics?
- Olena Illiasevych: Increasing women’s participation and leadership at all levels of decision making
- Julinda Peshku: The challenges of women candidates during elections and the importance of their access to party finance
Moderator: Doris Pack, President of EPP Women and RSI
DORIS PACKTrends and development of the EU 2.0
- Rami Jabbour: EU foreign policy challenges, especially regarding the Middle East and North Africa
- Péter István Danku: The new Global South mission of Christian political movements: facts and visions following the 2019 elections
Moderator: Martin Harangozó
Martin HarangozóCoffee break
Trends and development of the EU 3.0
- Andriy Strannikov: Main challenges for local development, on the example of Ukraine
- Alexander Szalonnas: Cross-party cooperation for implemented results on the municipal level
- Ivan Bokulic: Unemployment as a key challenge
- Danko Nikolic: Challenges within political parties that prevent them to be more successful in addressing citizens’ needs
Moderator: Nico van Buren, Eduardo Frei Foundation Trainer, Program Manager Spatial Planning and Regional Economics, Dutch National Knowledge Institute for Cities and Regions Platform31
Trends and development of the EU 4.0
- Dubravko Glasnović: Christian Democratic Renewal – economic and societal challenges in Europe
- József Krizmanits: Central European lessons for further EU enlargement enlargement in the context of main pollitical currents in Europe
- Stefan Cankov: Lack of a real common foreign and security policy of the EU
Moderator: Sofia van der Vegt, Lecturer and Trainer, Political and Intercultural Communication, Edward Bernay’s University College, Zagreb
Bus transfers from the hotel
Dinner (boat on the Danube)
Opening speech: György Hölvényi MEP, EPP Group in the European Parliament, Board Member of the Robert Schuman Foundation (Luxembourg)
György HölvényiTransfers to the Hotel
Action plan for WB & EaP countries within the framework of cooperation with the EU 2.0
- Vasko Naumovski: Political and security challenges of the Western Balkans – NATO’s role, Russia’s ambitions and the migration crisis
- Ardit Gijnali: The importance of EU Enlargement to Balkan countries as the best answer toward the Russian influence
- George Robakidze: Current relations between EU and Eastern partnership countries and the situation in Georgia’s occupied regions 10 years after EU mediated ceasefire agreement
Moderator: Jan Mulder, RSI International Board Member, Eduardo Frei Foundation Trainer
JAN MULDERCoffee break
Action plan for WB & EaP countries within the framework of cooperation with the EU 3.0
- Ana Robu: Current challenges of the EU-EaP cooperation and the role of political youth organizations
- Edith Harxhi: The stability vs democracy pattern in the Western Balkans
- Maksym Kyiak: Soft power of the EU in hard times – The Eastern Partnership Dimension
Moderator: Bence Bauer, Project Coordinator, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Hungarian Office
Action plan for WB & EaP countries within the framework of cooperation with the EU 4.0
- Marina Muradyan: Armenian self-transformation as a success story for reviving the European project
- Aleksandra Jugovic: The biggest challenge of BiH on the road to the EU: Departure of young people
- Milan Radin: Challenges and chances for Serbia in the accession process
Moderator: Vaidas Augunas, President of EDUCATIO Institute
VAIDAS AUGUNASWomen, youth and political influence 2.0
- Khrystyna Morozova: Why youth still don’t have their voice in politics of the first line?
- Ormela Likaj: Woman are a force of global development
- Oksana Straz: Political party as a platform for citizen’s initiatives
Moderator: Peter Noordhoek, volunteer, Eduardo Frei Foundation
Women, youth and political influence 3.0
- Mia Zukic: Participation and representation of women and youth in politics – Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Liliana Andrusiv: Women’s emancipation in the post-soviet countries
- Mariia Kravchenko: Women`s participation in politics: Ukraine in a global context
Moderator: Lotte Schipper, President of CDJA, Deputy Secretary General of YEPP
Women, youth and political influence 4.0
- Volha Pavuk: Young women in Belarusian politics – what we have reached and what to do for improvement
- Joelle harfouche: Struggle of women in Lebanese politics – Actual Reasons behind the women misrepresentation in Lebanon
- Georgeta Mincu: Boosting Women’s Economic Empowerment – Challenges faced by Moldovan women
Moderator: Olena Medvedeva, honored member of youth organization of Batkivschyna political party
Olena MedvedevaGallery
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- Mercure Budapest Buda
- +36 1 202 0000
- 09:00 - 17:00